«Alexandros G. Sygelakis»

      Personal Webpage


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Alexandros G. Sygelakis

Teacher of Mathematics

e-mail: ags [.at. ] math (.dot.) uoc (.dot.) gr

Tel. (+30-) 2810-210129 (mob): (+30) 6945411513



In this page you will find personal information about me and my educational activities at the University of Crete and at secondary school (CV, Mathematical Stuff, papers etc.).



A little about me

I got the BSc in Pure Mathematics at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) on November 2004 and the MSc at the University of Crete on April 2008 with concentration  on “Mathematical Foundations of Informatics and Applications” (With Concentration in Cryptography, Algebra (Galois Theory) and Number Theory ).


My favourite subject is Number Theory. Solving & Teaching Problems related on Mathematical Contests and Olympiads are also in my interests.









Last Updated: 14/09/2013






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