Konstantin Athanassopoulos
- Professor
- Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
- University of Crete
- University Campus
- GR-700 13 Voutes, Iraklion, Crete
- Office: Gamma 320
- Tel: (0030)-2810-393825 (office) FAX: (0030)-2810-393881
- Home Address: Nteli Drakou 21, GR-714 09 Iraklion, Crete, GREECE
E-mail: athanako@uoc.gr
My CV in english (ps, pdf)
and in greek (ps, pdf) .
A description of my research in greek (ps, pdf) .
Research Interests
- Dynamical Systems
- Differential Geometry and Topology
- Ergodic Theory
Research Publications
- D+ stable dynamical systems on 2-manifolds, Math. Z.
196 (1987), 453-462. (pdf)
- (with P. Strantzalos) On minimal sets in 2-manifolds, J. reine
angew. Math. 388 (1988), 206-211. (pdf)
- The flow near nontrivial minimal sets on 2-manifolds, Math.
Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 108 (1990), 569-573. (pdf)
- Cohomology and asymptotic stability of 1-dimensional continua,
Manuscripta Math. 72 (1991), 415-423. (pdf)
- A characterization of Denjoy flows, Bull. London Math. Soc.
24 (1992), 83-86. (pdf)
- Some aspects of the theory of asymptotic cycles, Expositiones
Math. 13 (1995), 321-336. (pdf)
- (with A. Manoussos) Minimal flows on multipunctured surfaces
of infinite type, Bull. London Math. Soc. 27 (1995), 595-598.
- One-dimensional chain recurrent sets of flows in the 2-sphere,
Math. Z. 223 (1996), 643-649. (pdf)
- Flows with cyclic winding numbers groups, J. reine angew.
Math. 481 (1996), 207-215. (pdf)
- (with Th. Petrescou and P. Strantzalos) A class of flows on
2-manifolds with simple recurrence, Comment. Math. Helvetici 72
(1997), 618-635. (pdf)
- Rotation numbers and isometries, Geom. Dedicata 72 (1998), 1-13.
- Volume preserving flows with cyclic winding numbers groups and
without periodic orbits on 3-manifolds, Manuscripta Math. 97 (1998),
37-44. (pdf)
- Periodicity criteria of Poincare-Bendixson type,
Univ. Iagel. Acta Math. 36 (1998), 181-182. (pdf)
- Rotation of orbits and isometries, Proceedings of the
3d Panhellenic Conference of Geometry, (1999), 67-71.
- (with A. Alexellis) Chain recurrence in flows on the Klein
bottle, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 127 (1999), 83-91.
- Cohomology of surface minimal sets, Expositiones Math.
17 (1999), 371-374. (pdf)
- On the Ruelle rotation for torus diffeomorphisms, Math. Z.
234 (2000), 225-239. (pdf)
- Explosions near isolated unstable attractors, Pacific J. Math.
210 (2003), 201-214. (pdf)
- Remarks on the region of attraction of an isolated invariant set,
Colloq. Math. 104 (2006), 157-167. (pdf)
- Pointwise recurrent homeomorphisms with stable fixed points,
Topology Appl. 153 (2006), 1192-1201. (pdf)
- Divergence of C1 vector fields and nontrivial minimal sets on
2-manifolds, J. Differential Equations 243 (2007), 24-35. (pdf)
- Asymptotically stable one-dimensional compact minimal sets,
Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 30 (2007), 397-406. (pdf)
- (with C. Panagiotakis and G. Tziritas) The equipartition of curves, Computational Geom. 42 (2009), 677-689.
- The Ruelle rotation of Killing vector fields, Colloq. Math. 116 (2009), 243-247.
- Denjoy C1 diffeomorphisms of the circle and McDuff's question, Expositiones Math. 33 (2015), 48-66.
- Coherent measures and the unstable manifold of isolated unstable attractors, Dynamical Systems 34 (2019),
434-442. (pdf)
- A sufficient condition for the logarithm of the derivative of a Denjoy C1 diffeomorphism to be a measurable
coboundary, preprint. (pdf)
- On the existence of absolutely continuous conformal measures, preprint. (pdf)
Teaching in the academic year 2024-2025
- Winter semester: (i) Topology ( Lecture Notes and
Exercises ). The sheet of January's examination and the
results . (ii) Introduction to Riemannian Geometry , graduate course
( Lecture Notes ). Announcement of January's lectures .
- Office hours in the winter semester 2024-2025: Wednesday 11:00 - 13:00 or by appointment.
- Announcement on the extra examination in Differential Geometry .
The examination sheet and the grades .
- Spring semester: (i) Geometry ( Lecture Notes ).
(ii) Algebraic Topology-Homotopy Theory , graduate course. Exercises .
- Office hours in the spring semester: Wednesday 11:00 - 13:00.
Master's Thesis
Some subjects for a Master's Thesis can be found here .
- Completed Master's Thesis:
- J. Platis, On the Godbillon-Vey invariant: Continuous variation and leaf dynamics, 1994.
- E. Menioudaki, Dynamical systems without periodic orbits: Counterexamples to Seifert's conjecture , 2000.
- J. Tsekouras, Topological characterization of conformal automorphisms of the 2-sphere:
A contemporary approach , 2002.
- Ch. Bougas, Blaschke's conjecture and wiedersehen manifolds , 2014.
- B. Aimoniotis, Topological Complexity , 2014.
- The Geometry Seminar 2001-2002 at the Univ. of Crete.
- The Dynamical Systems and the
Geometry Seminar 2002-2003
at the Univ. of Crete.
- The Geometry Seminar 2003-2004
at the Univ. of Crete.
- The Dynamical Systems Seminar 2004-2005
at the Univ. of Crete.
- The Dynamical Systems Seminar 2005-2006
at the Univ. of Crete.
- The Geometry Seminar 2006-2007
at the Univ. of Crete.
- The Dynamical Systems and the
Geometry Seminar 2007-2008
at the Univ. of Crete.
- The Mechanics and Symplectic Geometry Seminar 2013-2014
at the Univ. of Crete.
Lecture Notes
- Course notes on Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry (in Greek).
- Handwritten lecture notes on elementary Topology (in Greek).
- Handwritten lecture notes on Calculus III (Differential Equations) (in Greek).
- Handwritten lecture notes on Functions of several variables (in Greek).
- Lecture notes of the undergraduate course Differential Geometry of curves and surfaces (in Greek).
- Exercises of the undergraduate course Analysis I (in Greek).
- Lectures on some Classical theorems of topology in dimension 2
(in Greek).
- Exercises on Differentiable Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry (in Greek).
- Lectures on Poincare-Bendixson Theory given in the Summer School
on Mathematics, 2002, held at Iraklion (in Greek).
- A lecture on Rotation Numbers in Dynamical Systems (in Greek).
- A lecture on the (Non-)Existence of periodic orbits in dynamical systems (in English).
- Lecture Notes on measurable coboundaries (in English).
- A lecture on The gradient structure of flows (in Greek).
- A lecture on Stable and unstable minimal attractors (in English).
- Six chapters of introductory Notes on Ergodic Theory of
Dynamical Systems from a geometric point of view (in English).
- Five chapters of introductory Notes on Symplectic Geometry (in English).
- Course Notes: An introduction to smooth manifolds, deRham cohomology and characteristic classes
(in English).
- Course Notes: An introduction to Riemannian Geometry (in English).
- Notes on Sub-Riemannian Geodesics and Volume (in English).
- An introductory course in Discrete Dynamical Systems (in Greek).
Some old high school books of the greek education system
- An Algebra and introductory Analysis book.
- Volume A and Volume B of a book on Geometry.
- A book on Euclidean Geometry .
K. Athanassopoulos, 24.01.2014