Journal papers
- C. Sourdis, The heteroclinic connection problem for general
double-well potentials, to appear in Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics.
- A. Aftalion, C. Sourdis, Interface layer of a two-component Bose-Einstein condesate,
to appear in Communications in Contemporary Mathematics.
- C. Sourdis, A Liouville type result for bounded, entire solutions
to a class of variational semilinear elliptic systems , accepted in Differential and integral Equations (2016).
- C. Sourdis, Optimal potential energy growth lower
bounds for minimizing solutions to the
vectorial Allen-Cahn equation in two space
dimensions, accepted in Mathematical methods in the applied sciences (2016).
- C. Sourdis, Analysis of an irregular boundary layer behavior for the steady state flow of a Boussinesq
fluid, accepted in DCDS-A 2016.
- C. Sourdis, On the existence of dark solitons of the defocusing cubic nonlinear Schroedinger
equation with periodic inhomogeneous nonlinearity,
Applied Mathematics Letters (46) (2015), 123--126.
- C. Sourdis, On the profile of globally and locally minimizing solutions of the spatially
inhomogeneous Allen-Cahn and Fisher-KPP equation,
Adv. Nonlinear Stud. 2016; 16 (1):67–73.
- A. Aftalion, B. Noris, C. Sourdis, Thomas-Fermi Approximation
for coexisting two component Bose-Einstein condensates and nonexistence of vortices for
small rotation,
Comm. Math. Physics, 336 (2015), 509--579.
- C. Sourdis, On the growth of the energy of entire solutions to the vector
Allen-Cahn equation,
Comm. Pure Appl. Anal. 14(2) (2015), 577--584.
- G.D. Karali, C. Sourdis, The ground state of a Gross-Pitaevskii
energy with general potential in the Thomas-Fermi limit,
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 217, no 2, 439-523, (2015)..
- C. Sourdis, On periodic orbits in a slow–fast system with normally elliptic slow manifold,
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 37(2) (2014), 270--276.
- G. Karali, C. Sourdis, Resonance phenomena in a singular perturbation problem
in the case of exchange of stabilities,
Communications in PDE 37 (2012), 1620--1667.
- G. Karali, C. Sourdis, Radial and bifurcating
non-radial solutions for a singular perturbation problem
in the case of exchange of stabilities, Ann. Inst. H. Poincare
Anal. Non Lineaire 29 (2012), no. 2, 131--170.
- S. Schecter, C. Sourdis, Heteroclinic orbits in slow-fast Hamiltonian systems
with slow manifold bifurcations,
J. Dynam. Differential Equations 22 (2010), no. 4, 629--655.
C. Sourdis, A spectral bound for a class of Schrödinger operators,
Bull. Greek Math. Soc. 54 (2007), 269--272.
N.D. Alikakos, P.C. Fife, G. Fusco, C. Sourdis, Singular perturbation problems arising from the anisotropy
of crystalline grain boundaries, J. Dynam. Differential Equations 19
(2007), no. 4, 935--949.
- C. Sourdis, P.C. Fife, Existence of heteroclinic orbits for a corner layer
problem in anisotropic interfaces,
Adv. Differential
Equations 12 (2007), no. 6, 623--668.
- N.D. Alikakos, P.C. Fife, G. Fusco, C. Sourdis, Analysis of
the heteroclinic connection in a singularly perturbed
system arising from the study of crystalline grain boundaries,
Interfaces Free Bound. 8 (2006), no. 2, 159--183.
- C. Sourdis, On the Solvability of a Linear Inhomogeneous Problem
arising in the Blow-up analysis of the Phase Separation in Bose-Einstein Condensates, 2015.
- A. Aftalion, C. Sourdis, Interface layer of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate, 2015.
- C. Sourdis, Remarks on the interface layer of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate, 2015.
- C. Sourdis, Counterexamples to Modica's gradient estimate for systems arising in multi-phase transitions, 2015.
- C. Sourdis, An asymptotic monotonicity formula for minimizers to a class of elliptic systems of Allen-Cahn type
and the Liouville property, 2015.
- C. Sourdis, A new monotonicity formula for solutions to the elliptic system \Delta u= grad W(u), 2015.
- C. Sourdis, Uniform estimates of positive solutions of a class of semilinear elliptic equations
and related Liouville and one-dimensional symmetry results, pages 89, 2014.
- C. Sourdis, Optimal energy growth lower bounds for a
class of solutions to the vectorial Allen-Cahn Equation.
- C. Sourdis, On the confinement of bounded entire solutions to a class
of semilinear elliptic systems.
- C. Sourdis, A Liouville Theorem for minimizers
with finite potential energy for the vectorial Allen-Cahn Equation.
- C. Sourdis, On some second order singularly perturbed boundary
value problems with non-degenerate inner solutions.
- C. Sourdis, Traveling kinks in a chain of coupled
oscillators: the anti-integrable limit.
- C. Sourdis, A small remark on the derivaion of the plateu
angle conditions for vector-valued Allen-Cahn equation.
- C. Sourdis, A weighted Hardy-Sobolev-Maz'ya inequality.
- C. Sourdis, On corner layers in balanced equations.
- C. Sourdis, On the non-degeneracy of least energy solutions of a class of
nonlinear Schroedinger equations.
- C. Sourdis, Existence of the even positive
solution with linear growth of u'' = u2 ? x2 via topological degree.
- C. Sourdis, On the even positive
solution with linear growth of u'' = u2 ? x2, x real.
- C. Sourdis, Existence and uniqueness of odd increasing
solutions for a class of inhomogeneous Allen-Cahn equations in R. .
- Link .