Differential Equations.
Instructor: Nikos Frantzikinakis. |
e-mail: nikos@math.psu.edu. |
Meeting Times: MWF 11:15-12:05 in Room 322E HH Dev-E. |
Office: 331 McAllister. |
Office Hours: Wednesday 4:45-6:15 PM,
Friday 3:00-4:30 PM. |
Syllabus: PDF version. |
Textbook: "Elementary Differential Equations",
7th Edition, by Boyce-DiPrima, ISBN: 0-471-31999-6. |
EXAM I (Wednesday, Oct 9, 6:30-7:45 pm.)
Our section will have the exam in room 102 Forum. In case of conflict with the regular exam time you must sign up for the conflict exam by October 2. The first exam will cover the material up to Section 3.4. |
EXAM II (Tuesday, Nov 12, 6:30-7:45 pm.)
Our section will have the exam in room 102 Thomas. In case of conflict with the regular exam time you must sign up for the conflict exam on the undergraduate office (Whitmore 108) by November 5. The second exam will cover the material of Chapter 3 (but NOT section 3.7) AND sections 6.1 and 6.2. |
FINAL EXAM (Friday, Dec 20, 6:50-?? pm.)
Our section will have the exam in room 112 Kern. In case of conflict with the regular exam time you must sign up for the conflict exam on the registrar's office in 112 Shields building. Do this as soon as possible! |
Grade: Homework: 100 points. Exam I: 100 points. Exam II: 100 points. Final: 150 points. |
Homework #11 (Due - Monday, December 9)
Section 7.1: # 7 (a) and (b), 16. Section 7.3: # 17, 18. Section 7.5: # 15, 26, 27. Section 7.6: # 9, 14. Section 7.8: # 2. |
Homework #10 (Due - Monday, November 25)
Section 6.4: # 2, 3, 9. Section 6.5: # 2, 10. |
Homework #9 (Due - Monday, November 18)
Section 6.2: # 16, 18. Section 6.3: # 9, 11, 14, 16. |
Homework #8 (Due - Monday, November 4)
Section 3.9: # 5, 7 (c), 11 (a). Section 6.1: # 5, 6, 23. Section 6.2: # 3, 6, 7. |
Homework #7 (Due - Monday, October 28)
Section 3.7: # 13. Section 3.8: # 6, 11, 13, 19. |
Homework #6 (Due - Monday, October 21)
Section 3.5: # 14, 20, 28, 31 (N=1 only). Section 3.6: # 7, 13, 23 (a), 26 (a), 27. |
Homework #5 (Due - Monday, October 7)
Section 3.2 (pp 146): # 17, 24. Section 3.3 (pp 151-152): # 21, 27. Section 3.4 (pp 158): # 20, 25. |
Homework #4 (Due - Monday, September 30)
Section 2.5 (pp 84-87): # 3, 15, 16, 21 ((a)-(d) but not (e)). Section 2.7 (pp 103): # 2, 3 (part (a) only). Section 3.1 (pp 136): # 8, 17, 20. |
Homework #3 (Due - Monday, September 23)
Section 2.2 (pp 47): # 24, 28. Section 2.3 (pp 58-59): # 4, 10, 13. Section 2.4 (pp 72-73): # 2, 7, 22 (a) and (b). |
Homework #2 (Due - Friday, September 13)
Section 1.3 (pp 22-23): # 3, 4, 12, 18. Section 2.1 (pp 38-39): # 5, 14, 16, 31. Section 2.2 (pp 45): # 2, 7, 10 (a) and (c), 14 (a) and (c). |
Homework #1 (Due - Wedneday, September 4)
Section 1.1 (pp 8-9): # 6, 7, 9, 12, 15, 17. Section 1.2 (pp 14-17): # 6, 9, 11. |