Following the very successful 1st International Conference on the Teaching
of Mathematics (Samos, Greece, July 1998), the 2nd International Conference
will address new ways of teaching undergraduate mathematics. It will provide
a unique forum bringing together faculty from countries with varied educational
systems who are committed to introducing innovative teaching methods and
new pedagogies. The conference will be of great interest to mathematics
faculty as well as anyone involved with the teaching and learning of mathematics.
The conference presentations will be centered around the following themes:
- EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH: Results of current research in mathematics
education and the assessment of student learning. Access and equity.
- TECHNOLOGY: Effective integration of computing technology (Calculators,
Computer Algebra Systems, WWW resources) into the undergraduate curriculum
- INNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODS: Innovative ways of teaching undergraduate
mathematics, such as cooperative and collaborative teaching. Writing in
mathematics; laboratory courses.
- CURRICULA INNOVATIONS: Revisions of specific courses and assessment
of the results. History of mathematics; innovative applications; project
driven curricula.
- PREPARATION OF TEACHERS: Trends in teacher education. Changing
needs of teachers.
- MATHEMATICS AND OTHER DISCIPLINES: The effects of changes in
the teaching of mathematics on other fields. The needs of client disciplines;
interdisciplinary courses.
- DISTANCE LEARNING: Distance learning technologies (networking,
tele-education) for teaching and learning mathematics. Current hardware
and software delivery media; educational materials. Visions for the future.