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a review article for reconstruction methods


Papers by class of problems

Conservation Laws >

finite element relaxation schemes

finite difference and kinetic schemes

finite volumes

a posteriori estimates

geometrical driven adaptivity

Wave Equations <

A posteriori L∞(L2 )-error bounds in finite element approximation of the wave equation
(with E. Georgoulis and O. Lakkis) Preprint pdf

A posteriori error analysis for higher order dissipative methods for evolution problems
(with R. Nochetto) Numer. Math. 104 (2006), 489–514. pdf

Convergence of a continuous Galerkin method with mesh modification for nonlinear wave equations
(with  O. Karakashian) Math.Comp. 74 (2005), 85-102 pdf-file

Time-discrete finite element schemes for Maxwell's equations (with P. Monk) RAIRO Math. Model. Anal. Numer. 29 (1995) 171-197

Finite element approximations of nonlinear elastic waves, Mathematics of Computation   61  (1993) 569-594 pdf

On mixed finite element methods for linear elastodynamics, Numer. Math.   61  (1992) 235-260 pdf

Cosine methods for a class of semilinear second-order wave equations, Comput. Math. Applic. 19 (1990) 19-34

Parabolic Problems >

analysis of the time dg-method

implicit-explicit schemes for nonlinear problems

a posteriori estimates for linear problems

conditional error control for nonlinear problems

Other Problems >

standard schemes for the Helmholtz equation

Schroedinger equations

finite volumes for Hamilton-Jacobi

Stokes and Navier-Stokes



Papers by computational methods (and methodologies)

Time and space-time finite elements >

a priori analysis of the time dg-method

a posteriori estimates

A posteriori error control / reconstruction methods >

time discrete schemes

space and fully discrete schemes

nonlinear problems

Geometrical driven adaptivity >

all papers >


