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Marisa's papers

Isomorphic properties of Intersection bodies. Joint work with A. Koldobsky and G. Paouris. To appear in Journal of Functional Analysis.

Positive definite distributions and normed spaces, Advances in Mathematics, 227 (2011) 986-1018. Joint work with Nigel Kalton.

The modified complex Busemann-Petty problem, Positivity 13 (2009), 717-733.

The complex Busemann-Petty problem for arbitrary measures", Arch. Math. 91 (2008), 436-449.

The complex Busemann-Petty problem on sections of convex bodies, Advances in Math 218 (2008), 352-367, with A.Koldobsky and H.K\"onig.

Extremal sections of complex $l_p$-balls, $0<p<2$, Studia Mathematica 159 (2003), 185-194 ,with A.Koldobsky.

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