[alogo] To produce multiples of angles:

1) Create an angle <(EFG) .
2) Create a number object : type a number f (e.g. 2.0) and press the enter key.
3) Get the multiplication tool (*) from the toolbar on the right side.
4) Click on the number object and the angle <(EFG).
5) This creates an angle <(EFH), whose measure is f times the measure of <(EFG).
There is a problem though, due to the way angles are measured.
The tool [Measures \ Angle Label], used to measure angles has a restriction.
It produces measures in the interval (-pi, pi). And this fails to give correct results for multiples of angles. Try it in the following example. There the number-object "Quot" gives the quotient of the two angles : <(EFH) / <(EFG) = f. This is correct only when both angles are less than 180:00.
The angle <(EFH) is indeed the correct multiple of <(EFG), but the Angle-Labels may be wrong.
To cure that a variation of the tool is needed that works with angles greater than pi.
See below how this tool can be applied.

[0_0] [0_1] [0_2]

[alogo] Correct display of the multiples of an angle.

Do exactly the same actions as before. But when clicking on the angles with the [Angle-Label] tool, to get their measure, press simultaneously the ctrl-key. This makes the measurement-tool work with the continuous angle-mesure, which can take any real number (or degree) as its value. Catch and rotate "C" about "B" below, to see what I mean.
The angles can become arbitrary large, but their ratio remains fixed.


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