Consider the triangle of reference ABC and a second one DEF, whose vertices have absolute
barycentric coordinates (see BarycentricCoordinates.html ) w.r. to ABC: D(dx, dy, dz), E(ex, ey, ez), F(fx, fy, fz). Denote by (Dx, Dy, Dz) etc. the corresponding trilinear coordinates. The basic
relations between barycentric and cartesian coordinates are expressed through the
vector-relations: D = dx*A+dy*B+dz*C, and analogous formulas for E and F. Writing these equations in matrix form we get:
(See AreaThroughDet.html ) Taking determinants we deduce the formula for the area of DEF, in
terms of ABC and its corresponding (absolute) barycentrics:
Using the basic relation between absolute barycentrics and absolute trilinears: ex = (1/2)*a*Ex/area(ABC):