[alogo] Circumcevian triangle

Given a triangle ABC and a point P the circumcevian triangle of P with respect to ABC is triangle DEF formed by the intercepts D, E, F of the cevians AP, BP, CP of P with the circumcircle.
The main property of the circumcevian is that it is similar to the corresponding pedal triangle of P with respect to ABC. Below the pedal of P is GHI. The equality of angles indicates the proof of the property.

[0_0] [0_1]
[1_0] [1_1]

The question of finding all triangles A'B'C' circumcevian with ABC (in other words perspective to ABC and inscribed in the circumcircle of ABC) and similar to a fixed triangle A0B0C0 can be reduced to the question of finding all pivots of A'B'C' inside ABC. There are in general 12 solutions. This is handled in the file SixPivots.html .

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