We say that points H, G are harmonic conjugate with respect to points A, B, when all four are on the same line and the oriented ratios: (HA/HB) = - (GA/GB), i. e. G, H divide internally and externaly the segment AB into the same ratio.
We often write: (HA/HB):(GA/GB)=-1 and say that the cross ratio (see CrossRatio0.html ): (A,B,H,G) = -1.
The basic example of harmonic conjugate points is shown in the figure below. First equation results by applying Menelaus (see Menelaus.html ) to triangle ABC and its secant (GEF). Second equation results by applying Ceva (see Ceva.html ) to the same triangle and point D.
Menelaus for triangle ABC and secant GEF: (GA/GB)(FC/FB)(EA/EC)=1, Ceva for triangle ABC and point D (see Ceva.html ): (AH/HB)(BF/FC)(EC/EA)=-1. Multiplying the two equations: (GA/GB)(AH/HB)=-1, i.e. G, H are harmonic conjugate with respect to A, B.
This implies that for fixed H and D moving on line CH all the corresponding lines GEF pass through the fixed point G, harmonically conjugate to H, with respect to A, B.
Notice that G, K are also harmonically conjugate to E, F. In fact, the same arguments apply to triangle CEF, Menelaus secant GAB and Ceva point D. Thus also (E,F,G,K) = -1.
There is though also another reason, why G, K are harmonically conjugate to E, F and this is that they are cut off on line GF by a harmonic bundle of four lines (CA, CB, CG, CH), see Harmonic_Bundle.html .
1) denote by {a, b, h, g} the line coordinates of the four points {A, B, H, G} on their supporting line. Then the relation: HA/HB = - GA/GB => HA*GB + GA*HB = 0 => (a-h)(b-g)+(a-g)(b-h) = 0 => 2(ab+gh) = (a+b)(g+h). 2) Taking A as the origin of coordinates: (a=0) => 2gh = b(g+h) i.e. 2/AB = (1/AG) + (1/AH), i.e AB is the mean harmonic of AG and AH. 3) Taking the middle I/J of AB/GH as origin of coordinates (a+b=0, resp. g+h=0) we get at Newton's relations: IA² = IB² = IG*IH, JH² = JG² = JA*JB. 4) Relation (2) implies 2AH*AG = AB(AH+AG) = AB*(2AJ) => AH*AG = AB*AJ.