[alogo] Orthic and pedal relation ии

Here are some additional remarks following the discussion in OrthicAndPedal.html . For each point X on the plane of ABC, its pedal triangle (X1X2X3 not shown) and the pedal triangle (Y1Y2Y3 not shown) of the isogonal conjugate Y share the same circumcircle (see Pedal.html ).
Consider now a point P on the circumcircle and reflect lines XP, YP on the sides of triangle ABC to obtain through their intersections triangles XAXBXC and YAYBYC, both similar to the orthic of ABC.
[1] Triangles XAXBXC, YAYBYC are line perspective with respect to the Steiner line S(P) of P on the circumcircle.
[2] Fixing P on the circumcircle and varying X (consequently and Y) the two triangle change but remain perspective with respect to the same line S(P).
[3] The trilinear poles (tripoles) {XP, YP} of line S(P) with respect to the two triangles are collinear with the perspectivity center H' of the triangles.

[0_0] [0_1] [0_2] [0_3]
[1_0] [1_1] [1_2] [1_3]
[2_0] [2_1] [2_2] [2_3]

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