1) Select the point-tool (CTRL+E)
2) Click pressing simultaneously голе (defines the axes-origin) (A)
3) Click pressing simultaneously F2 (defines the x=1, y=0, point) (B)
4) Click pressing simultaneously END (defines the x=0, y=1, point) (C)
5) Select the line-tool (CTRL+L)
6) click next to (A) ... drag ...release mouse button next to (B): defines the x-axis (a)
7) click next to (A) ... drag ...release mouse button next to (C): defines the y-axis (b)
8) hide points A, B, C (right-click on them and select [hidden])
9) make scheme immovable: right-click on a , pressing simultaneously SHIFT
10) from the displayed scheme-graph-dialog, press the button on the upper-left: [make immovable]
11) Insert the graph of a function into the document (see help for how to do it)
12) Select the point-tool (CTRL+E)╢
13) Click pressing simultaneously SHIFT next to the graph (sets point exactly on ...) (D)
14) Select the tool [Project on _ _ ] (point-tools-menu)
15) Click on (D), then one time on each axis. This defines points (E), (Z) on the axes respectively.
coordinates labels:
16) Select the tool [Measures \ Lenght Gauge _ _ ]
17) Click on x-axis, then click on (E), which defines the x-value-label.
18) Click on x-axis, then click on (Z), which defines the y-value-label.
19) Hide the axes