The quadratic equation: (1) Ax2 + Bx + C = 0, with non-zero A reduces by dividing through A: B'=B/A, C'=C/A to: (2) x2 + B'x + C' = 0. This setting: (3) -2p = B' = B/A <=> p = -B/(2A) and q = C'=C/A, reduces to (4) x2 - 2px + q = 0. The function y = x2 -2px + q is a translation of the standard quadratic: (5) y = x2, since: (6) y= x2 - 2px + q <=> y-(q-p2) = (x-p)2. The translation { y'= y - (q-p2), x' = x - p} transforms y = x2 - 2px + q to the standard y' = x'2 and the x-axis y=0 to y' = p2-q. Thus the two roots are found by intersecting the standard parabola y' = x'2 with the line y' = p2 - q, i.e. solving x'2 = p2-q and then pushing the two solutions (x'1, y'), (x'2, y') back to the x-axis by the inverse translation giving the pair (p+x'1, 0), (p+x'2, 0). The point is that we are cutting all the time the same parabola with parallel lines. By the way notice that points (p,q) for which the corresponding equation touches the x-axis are precisely the points on the standard parabola y=x2.
Leaving the Ax2 + Bx + C = 0 as it is and solving directly with the well known formulas is essentially the same as before except for a similarity by the factor (1/A) by which first we map to a similar parabola (all parabolas are similar). The dynamic figure changes by moving point (p,q). Points {s1, s2} have a meaning when there are no real roots. They represent then the two complex and conjugate roots of the equation x2 -2px + q = 0. For general properties of parabolas see Parabola.html . Relating to the standard equation of the parabola see ParabolaParameter.html .