The following construction conforms to the recipe discussed in TrianglesGivenPivot.html , by which, given a conic c and a point O not lying on c, one constructs triangles ABC such that O is the pivot
of the given conic with respect to O. Here is carried out the construction of a distinguished triangle such that one side of it is parallel to
the polar pO. 1) Construct the diameter OC through O, which is conjugate to the direction of the polar pO. 2) If this diameter intersects the conic at {C,D} and the polar pO at F, then E = F(C,D), i.e. the
harmonic conjugate of F w.r. to {C,D} is a point on the side of the triangle. 3) Draw parallel from E to pO intersecting the conic at {A,B} and defining the triangle ABC.
The figure displays also the conic c' (hyperbola) which in the aforementioned reference is used in the
construction of the pivoting triangle.