Born : November 20, 1956 in Heraklion Crete, GREECE


Current Position:


Professor,  Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics of the University of Crete.

, Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas




            Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering


Diploma of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering


Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Ph.D. in Underwater Acoustics.


Professional Interests:


·        Mathematical modelling of physical phenomena with emphasis in wave propagation

·        Underwater acoustics - Direct problems. Helmholtz equation - Parabolic approximation. Normal-mode theory in range-independent and range-dependent environments.

·        Underwater acoustics - Inverse problems. Ocean Acoustic Tomography. Wave-theoretic approaches. Linear and non-linear schemes. Matched-field processing. Neural Networks. Genetic Algrithms. Hybrid schemes.

·        Underwater acoustics -  Geoacoustic Inversions. Bottom recognition.

·        Underwater acoustics - Signal Processing for inversions.

·        Ambient noise in the sea. Prediction models. Design of measuring stations.

·        Noise and vibration control.

·        Bioacoustics

·        Music and Mathematics


Professional Experience:


·        Professor, University of Crete, Department of Mathematics, Heraklion, Crete, Greece (since 2009).

·        Associate Professor, University of Crete.Department of Mathematics, Heraklion, Crete, Greece (1998-2009).

·        Assistant Professor,University of Crete.Department of Mathematics, Heraklion, Crete, Greece (1993-1998).

·        Lecturer,National Technical University of Athens.Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Athens, Greece (1990-1993).

·        Researcher, Foundation for Research and Technology-HELLAS.Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics Heraklion, Crete, Greece (1988-).

·        Research Assistant, National Technical University of Athens.Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Athens, Greece (1982-1988).

·        Teaching Assistant, National Technical University of Athens.Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Athens, Greece (1982-1988).

·        Summer Research Assistant, SACLANTCEN ASW Research Centre La Spezia, Italy (1986).


Research Projects




·        EU funded : MAST/ACID

·        EU funded : MAST/THETIS

·        EU funded : MAST-2/REBECCA, principal investigator

·        EU funded : MAST-2/THETIS

·        EU funded : MAST-2/PROMODE

·        EU funded : Int. Coop. ACUSTICA, principal investigator

·        INTAS funded : INTAS-93-0557, co-ordinator

·        INTAS funded : IN/RU-95-1002, co-ordinator

·        EU funded : SIGMA, principal investigator

·        EU funded : INTERREG II , SOSMER, principal investigator

·        EU funded : FP7, NoE , ESONET, principal investigator

·        EU funded : ACMAC

·        Greek-French bilateral collaboration, two projects (2002-2006)

·        EU funded : QUIETMED, principal investigator

·        EU funded : HORIZON 2020, EFFECTIVE  principal investigator




·        AMFITRITI (Hellenic Navy), principal investigator

·        ÔÇÁËÁÔÔÁ (General Secretariat for Research and Technology), co-ordinator

·        EMSO-HELLAS (General Secretariat for Research and Technology), principal investigator.

·        KRIPIS (General Secretariat for Research and Technology) principal investigator.

·        SIEMENS (General Secretariat for Research and Technology).

·        Labour observatory for the Region of Crete (Region of Crete), co-ordinator

·        PERAN (General Secretariat for Research and Technology).

·        QUIETMED 2 (HCMR), principal investigator

·        AUTOREC (HCMR), principal investigator

·        HELLAS-CH (EPAnEK), principal investigator (FORTH/IACM)


Other Academic Activities


·       Rector of the University of Crete (09/2015-02/2016.)

·       Dean of the School of Sciences and Engineering of the University of Crete (2013-2016).

·       Chairman of the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics of the University of Crete (07/2015-01/2016)

·       Chairman of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Crete (2007-2011)

·       Vice Chairman of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Crete (2001-2003).

·       Director of the Division of Applied Mathematics of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Crete (2003-2004).

·       Director of the Graduate Programme on “Mathematics and their Applications” (2008-2010).

·       Chairman of the Sports Hall Committee of the University of Crete (2006-2009).

·       Chairman of the Sports Committee of the University of Crete (2011-2016).

·       Coordinator of the Training Program of the Students of the University of Crete (2010-2017).

·       Member of the Technical Committee of the University of Crete (2000-2004).

·       Member of the Post-Graduate Committee of the University of Crete  (2006-2009).

·       Member of the Senate of the University of Crete (1994-1995, 1997-1998, ex oficio 2007-2011, 2013-2016 ).

·       Member of the Committee of the Graduate Programme on “Optics and Vision” since 2003.

·       Member of the Committee of the Graduate Programme on “Applied and Computational Mathematics” (2019-2021).

·       Member of the Senate of the National Technical University of Athens (1992-1993).

·       Member of the Technical Committee of FORTH (1994-2000 and 2006-2015).

·       Associate Editor of the Acta Acustica united with Acustica. (the Journal of the European Acoustics Association) (2002-2015).

·       Editor of the Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics

·       Guest editor of the Journal of Computational Acoustics.

·       Guest editor of the Acta Acustica united with Acustica.

·       Chairman of the International Conference EURONOISE 2018.

·       Chairman of the International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics (2007).

·       Chairman of the Greek National Conference ACOUSTICS 2006 (2006).

·       Co-organizer of the 1st and 2nd Workshops on Wave Propagation (1991, 1992).

·       Co-organizer of the Advanced Course on Acoustical Oceanography (1993).

·       Co-organizer of the 3rd European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (1996).

·       Co-organizer of the Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition (2021, 2023).

·       Chairman of the 1st Workshop on Inverse Problems in Underwater Acoustics (1999).

·       Field co-ordinator of Underwater Acoustics of the FORUM 2002, ICA 2019, ICA 2022, FORUM 2023.

·       Member of the advisory or technical committees and organizer of special sessions on computational ocean acoustics in many International Conferences.

·       Reviewer of several Scientific Journals and National Science Foundations.

·       Co-coordinator of the International Year of Sound 2020-2021.


Administrative Positions in International and National Scientific Organizations


·        President of the International Commission for Acoustics (ICA) for the term 2016-2019 and Past President (member of the Board) for the term 2019-2022.

·        President of the European Acoustics Association (EAA) for the term 2013-2016.

·        President of the Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) (2008-2014). Member of the Board  (2014-2016).

·        General Secretary of the Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) (2001-2008).

·        Member of the Technical Committee on Acoustical Oceanography of the Acoustical Society of America (2009-2013).

·        Member of the Bologna Experts Team, of the Hellenic Ministry of Education (2011-2014).




Thesis work


Study of the Acoustic Propagation in Shallow Water with an Irregularly Shaped Bottom. Ph.D. thesis. National Technical University of Athens. Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (in Greek). 1988. 

Journal Papers


1.         Taroudakis M.I. and Nicolaidis N.X. : "A Simplified Model for the Estimation of the Shipping Noise in Shallow water" Technika Chronika, Scientific edition, Vol. 9, pp 47-72 (1989).

2.         Taroudakis M.I., Athanassoulis G.A. and Ioannidis J.P.: "A Variational Principle for Underwater Acoustic Propagation in a Three-Dimensional Ocean Environment". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 88, pp 1515-1522 (1990).

3.         Papadakis J.S., Taroudakis M.I., Papadakis P.J. and Mayfield Betty: "A New Method for a Realistic Treatment of the Sea Bottom in the Parabolic Approximation". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 92, pp 2030-2038 (1992).

4.         Taroudakis M.I. and Papadakis J.S. "Modal Inversion Schemes for Ocean Acoustic Tomography" Journal of Computational Acoustics, Vol. 1, No 4, pp 395-421 (1993).

5.         Bjorno L., Papadakis J.S., Papadakis P.J., Sageloli, J., Sessarego J.P., Sun S. and Taroudakis M.I. "Identification of Seabed Data from Acoustic Reflections: Theory and Experiment" ACTA ACUSTICA, Vol. 2, pp. 307-323 (1994).

6.         The THETIS Group "Open-Ocean Deep Convection Explored in the Mediterranean" EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 75, No 19, pp 217-221 (1994).

7.         Taroudakis M.I. "A Coupled-Mode Formulation for the Solution of the Helmholtz Equation in the Water in the Presence of a Conical Sea-Mount" Journal of Computational Acoustics, Vol. 4, No 1, pp 101-121 (1996).

8.         Send U., Krahmann G, Mauuary D., Desaubies Y., Gaiilard F., Terre, T., Papadakis J., Taroudakis M., Skarsoulis E. and Millot C. "Acoustic observations of heat content across the Mediterranean Sea" Nature, Vol. 385, pp 615-617 (1997).

9.         Taroudakis M.I. and Markaki M.G. "On the use of matched-field processing and hybrid algorithms for vertical slice tomography" (1996) Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 102, pp 885-895 (1997).

10.    Taroudakis M.I. and Markaki M.G. "Bottom geoacoustic inversions by broadband matched field processing" .Journal of Computational Acoustics, Vol. 6, Nos 1 & 2, pp 167-183 (1998).

11.    Taroudakis M.I. "Identifying modal arrivals in shallow water for bottom geoacoustic inversions" Journal of Computational Acoustics, Vol. 8, No 2, pp 307-324 (2000).

12.    Taroudakis M.I. and Markaki M.G. "Bottom geoacoustic inversion by matched field processing - a sensitivity study" Inverse Problems, Vol. 16, pp 1679-1692 (2000).

13.    Taroudakis M.I. and  Markaki M.G. “Tomographic inversions in shallow water using modal travel time measurements” Acta Acustica united with Acustica, Vol. 87, pp 647-658 (2001).

14.    Frantzis, A., Goold, J.C., Skarsoulis, E.K., Taroudakis M.I. and Kandia V. “Clicks from Cuvierʼs Beaked Whales, Ziphius cavirostris” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Vol. 112, pp 34-37 (2002).

15.    Papadakis P.J., Bjørnø L, Sessarego J-P. and Taroudakis M.I.: "A non-linear inversion method for recovering the properties of a multi-layered elastic bottom”  Acta Acustica united with  Acustica, Vol. 89, pp 614-624 (2003).

16.    Taroudakis M.I and Tzagkarakis G. “On the use of the reassigned wavelet transform for mode identification”  Journal of Computational Acoustics, Vol. 12, No 2, pp 175-196 (2004).

17.    Bouchage G. and Taroudakis M.I.: “Fluctuations of the modal arrival times due to linear internal waves : Application to Inversion”  Journal of Computational Acoustics. Vol. 14,  No 4,  pp 469-487 (2006).

18.    Taroudakis M.I., Tzagkarakis G., Tsakalidis P.: “Classification of acoustic signals using the statistics of the 1-D wavelet transform coefficients” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Vol. 119, pp 1396-1405 (2006).

19.    Tzagkarakis G, Taroudakis M.I, Tsakalides P.: "A statistical geoacoustic inversion scheme based on a modified radial basis functions neural network" Journal ïf the Acoustical Society ïf America Vol. 122, pp 1959-1968 (2007).  

20.    Papadakis, P., Taroudakis, M.I., Sturm, F. Sanchez, P and Sessarego, J-P.: “Scaled Laboratory Experiments of Shallow Water Acoustic Propagation”  Acta Acustica united with Acustica Vol. 94, No. 5, pp 676-684 (2008).

21.    Taroudakis M.I. and Smaragdakis C. "On the use of Genetic Algorithms and a statistical characterization of the acoustic signal for tomographic and bottom geoacoustic inversions” Acta Acustica united with Acustica Vol.  95,  No 5, pp 814-822 (2009).  

22.    Apostolopoulos, M.I., Taroudakis M.I. and Papazoglou, D.G. "Application of inverse Abel techniques in in-line holographic microscopy" Optics Communications Vol. 296, pp 25-34 (2013).

23.    Taroudakis M.I. and Smaragdakis C. " Inversions of statistical parameters of an acoustic signal in range-dependent environments with applications in ocean acoustic tomography" Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Vol. 134, pp 2814-2822 (2013).

24.    Taroudakis M.I., Smaragdakis C. and Chapman, N.R. " Inversion of acoustical data from the `Shallow Water 06' experiment, using a statistical method for signal characterization " Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Vol. 136,  pp. EL336-EL342 (2014).

25.    Taroudakis M.  “Towards a silent marine environment: The role of passive acoustic observatories” Rivista Italiana di Acustica Vol 39, pp 51-62 (2015).

26.    Taroudakis M., Smaragdakis C and Chapman N.R.: “De-noising procedures for inverting underwater acoustic signals in applications of acoustical oceanography” J. Comp. Acous. Vol. 25, 1750015 (2017).

27.    Taroudakis M.I.: "Statistical Characterization of Acoustic Signals Using 1D Wavelet Transforms with Applications in Acoustical Oceanography" Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics. Vol. 26, No. 4, 1850047 DOI: 10.1142/S2591728518500470 (2018).

28.    Smaragdakis C. and Taroudakis M.I.: "Probabilistic Characterization of Acoustic ad Sesimic Signals". Ercim News, Vol 121, pp 35-36 (2020).

29.    Smaragdakis C. and Taroudakis M.I.: “Acoustic signal characterization based on hidden Markov models with applications to geoacoustic inversions”: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Vol. 148, pp 2337-2350 (2020).

30.  Smaragdakis C., Mastrokalos J. and Taroudakis M.I.: "Statistical Characterization of Seismic Signals" Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics. DOI: 10.1142/S25917285225000-49 (2022).

31.  Taroudaki V., Smaragdakis C and Taroudakis M.I.: "Deblurring Acoustic Signals for Optimum Perception" Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal – Vol. 9, No. 11, pp 221-242, DOI:10.14738/assrj.911.13417 (2022).

32.  Vergis Emm., Papadakis N., and Taroudakis M.: "Labour Market Dynamics and Socio-Economic 
 Vulnerability: Τhe COVID-19 Impact and Policy Challenges in the Region of Crete, Greece"
Open Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 11, pp. 349-375 (2023).

33.  Papadakis N, Taroudakis M., Dimari G, Smaragdakis C. and Kosmadakis N. : "The Absence of a Rationalized Migration Data Policy in Greece and the Discontinuity of Greek Migration Policy: A Glance at the First Results of the PreMiGro Project"  HAPSc Policy Briefs Series, 4(2), 45–54. (2023).

34.  Angelakis A., Taroudakis M. and  Tchobanoglous G.: "Thalassocracy and naval fleet in the Hellenic world: from ancient times to the modern times and future" International Journal of  Hydrology, Vol. 7(6): 262‒274 (2023).

35.  Angelakis A., Taroudakis M. and  Tchobanoglous G.: "Thalassocracy in the Bronze Age and Its Relationship to Sustainability" Annals of Archaeology,  6 (1), https//, (2024).

36.   Smaragdakis C, Taroudaki V, Taroudakis M.I.: Using machine learning techniques in inverse problems of acoustical oceanography". Stud Appl Math. 2024;e12704. (2024).




Publications in Conference Proceedings


1.         Taroudakis M.I and Giannopoulos G.: "Measurements of Noise Radiated by Ships' Models". Proceedings of IVth IMAEM Congress, Varna, Bulgary, Vol. I pp 15.1-15.10. (1987).

2.         Tarroudakis M.I.: "A Parametric Study of the Influence of the Subbottom Rigidity on the Acoustic Field in the Sea". Proceedings of the 2nd National Congress on Mechanics, Athens, Greece, Vol. II, pp 821-831 (1989).

3.         Taroudakis M.I.: "A Study of the Influence of the Environmental Parameters on the Traffic Noise in the Sea" Colloque de Physique, No 2, Supplement, Tome 51, pp C2.1001-C2.1004, (1990).

4.         Taroudakis M.I., Athanassoulis G.A. and Ioannidis J.P. "A Hybrid Solution of the Helmholtz Equation in Shallow Water, Based on a Variational Principle"  Acoustique Sous Marine et Ultrasons, CNRS-LMA, Marseille, pp 213-227 (1991).

5.         Taroudakis M.I., Papadakis P.J., Papadakis J.S. and E. Simantiraki: ``On the Estimation of the Bottom Geoacoustic Parameters, Using Measurements of Plane Wave Reflection Parameters" Acoustical Imaging edited by H Ermert and H.-P. Harjes, Plenum Press, New York, pp 841-846 (1992).

6.         Taroudakis M.I. and Sessarego J.P.: "An Algorithm for the Calculation of the Plane-Wave Reflection Coefficient from Multilayered Elastic Media". Proceedings of the 3rd National Congress on Mechanics, Athens, Greece, Vol. II, pp 629-637 (1992).

7.         Taroudakis M.I. and Papadakis J.S.: "Using E„mpirical O?rthogonal Functions in Ocean Acoustic Tomography to Improve the Sound Velocity Structure Estimation" in Advances in Computer Methods for Partial Differential Equations - VII, edited by P.Vichnevetsky, D. Knight and G.Richter, IMACS, New Brunswick N.J. pp 726-732 (1992).

8.         Papadakis J.S., Papadakis P.J., Taroudakis M.I., Sessarego J.P. and Sageloli J. "Using Acoustic Reflection Data to Reconstruct the Ocean Bottom Structure" in European Conference on Underwater Acoustics edited by M.Weydert, Elsevier Applied Sciences, London, pp 539-542 (1992).

9.         Taroudakis M.I. and Papadakis J.S. "Reconstruction of Sound Velocity Structure in the Sea, Using Ocean Tomography Techniques" in European Conference on Underwater Acoustics edited by M.Weydert, Elsevier Applied Sciences, London, pp 607-610 (1992).

10.    Taroudakis M.I.: "Study of the arrival pattern of acoustic pulses in underwater transmissions" Proceedings of the ERCIM Workshop on Numerical Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Problems in Wave Propagation, pp 98-111, (1992).

11.    Papadakis J.S, Taroudakis M.I and Papadakis J.S.: "Study of the Convergence of an Iterative Scheme Used in Ocean Acoustic Tomography" Computational Acoustics - Volume 2 edited by D.Lee, A.R.Robinson and R. Vichnevetsky, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, pp 63-77 (1993).

12.    Taroudakis M.I., Lyridis D.V., and Pliatsikas K. "Study of the Effect of the Plate Stiffeners on the Structure-borne Noise Transmission on board Ships, Using the Statistical Energy Analysis" in Proceedings Internoise '93 edited by P. Chapelle and G. Vermeir, Leuven, Belgium, pp 1205-1208 (1993).

13.    Taroudakis M.I.: "Modal inversion schemes for ocean acoustic tomography" Department of Physics, University of Bergen, Scientific/Technical Report No 1994-21 edited by M. Verstrheim and H. Hoboek. pp 107-110 (1994). 17th Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics, Ustaoset Norway.

14.    Taroudakis M.I.: "Variations of Tomography Signals in Shallow Water Due to Bottom Topography Irregularities" Journal de Physique, Volume 2, Supplement JPIII no 5, pp C5.1079 - C5.1082 (1994).

15.    Taroudakis M.I. "A Comparison of Modal-phase and Modal-travel-time Approaches for Ocean Acoustic Tomography" in 2nd European Conference on Underwater Acoustics , edited by Leif Bjørnø,, pp 1057-1062 (1994).

16.    Papadakis P.J., Taroudakis M.I. and Papadakis J.S. "Recovery of the Properties of an Elastic Bottom Using Reflection Coefficient Measurements" in 2nd European Conference on Underwater Acoustics edited by Leif Bjørnø,, pp 943-948 (1994).

17.    Taroudakis M.I. "Computational Aspects of a Coupled-mode Solution of the Helmholtz Equation in Water in the Presence of a Conical Sea-mount" in Proceedings of the 14th IMACS World Congress, Atlanta, USA, pp. 950-953 (1994).

18.    Athanassoulis G.A., Papadakis J.S., Skarsoulis E.K. and Taroudakis M.I. "A Comparative Study of Two Wave-Theoretic Inversion Schemes in Ocean Acoustic Tomography" in Full Field Inversion Methods in Ocean and Seismic Acoustics, edited by O.Diachok et al., Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp 127-132 (1995).

19.    Taroudakis M.I. and Markaki M. "Matched-field Ocean Acoustic Tomography Using Genetic Algorithms" in Acoustical Imaging , edited by Piero Tortoli and Leonardo Masotti, Plenum Press, pp 601-606 (1996).

20.    Taroudakis M.I. "Inverse problems in underwater acoustics: Future trends". (1996). ACUSTICA - acta acustica Vol. 82 Suppl 1 S 105 (1996). FORUM ACUSTICUM - Antwerpen 1996.

21.    Taroudakis, M.I.and Markaki, M.G. "Matched-field Tomography with a Genetic Algorithm Applied in Range-Dependent Environments" in Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, edited by J.Papadakis, pp 779-784 (1996).

22.    Taroudakis, M.I., Papadakis, P.J and Sklavos, S. "Bottom Characterization Using Parametric Array Data" in Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Underwater Acoustics , edited by J.Papadakis, pp 625-630 (1996).

23.    Taroudakis M.I. "On the estimation of errors in the arrival pattern of an acoustic pulse, calculated by parabolic approximation codes" in Shallow-Water Acoustics , edited by R. Zhang and J. Zhou, China Ocean Press, pp. 95-100 (1997).

24.    Taroudakis M.I and Markaki M.G. "A Two-Phase matched-field processing scheme for bottom recognition, using broad-band acoustic data" in Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics , edited by A. Alippi and G.B. Cannelli pp 33-38 (1998).

25.    Dougalis V.A., Kampanis N.A. and Taroudakis M.I. "Comparison of finite element and coupled-mode solutions of the Helmholtz equation in underwater acoustics" in Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics , edited by A. Alippi and G.B. Cannelli pp 649-654 (1998).

26.    Taroudakis M.I. "Inverse problems in underwater acoustics"  in Proceedings of the 2nd EAA International Symposium on Hydroacoustics, edited by A Stepnowski et al. pp 281-290 (1999).

27.    Taroudakis M.I., Markaki M and Mavritsaki E. "Matching modal arrivals in shallow water for tomographic inversions" in  Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, edited by M.E.Zakharia, P. Chevret and P. Dubail pp 1317-1322 (2000).

28.    Taroudakis M.I. and Makrakis G. “A study of the eigenvalues of the “Depth Problem” in shallow water acoustic propagation modelling over an elastic halfspace” in Procedings of the 10th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, pp 2547-2553 (2003).

29.    Taroudakis M.I. and Tzagkarakis G. "Acoustic signal representation by the statistical distribution of the wavelet subband coefficients for tomographic inversions" in Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, edited by D.G.Simons, pp. 639-644 (2004).

30.    Taroudakis M.I and Tzagarakis G. «Acoustic characterization of an underwater acoustic signal by means of the statistical distribution of the wavelet sub band coefficients»  in Proceedings of the National Congress "ACOUSTICS 2004" pp. 285-292 (2004).

31.    Papadakis P., Taroudakis M, Sanchez P. and Sessarego J-P. "Scaled laboratory experiments of shallow water acoustic propagation" in Proceedings of FORUM ACUSTICUM 2005,  pp. 287-292 (2005).

32.    Taroudakis M.I., Tzagkarakis, G. and Tsakalides, P.: “Characterization of an under­water acoustic signal using the statistics of the wavelet sub-band coefficients” in Theoretical and Computational Acoustics 2005,  edited by A. Tolstoy, E-C Shang and Y-C Teng, World Scientific, pp. 167-174 (2006).

33.    Papadakis P., Taroudakis M, Sanchez P. and Sessarego J-P.: «Ôime and frequency measurements using scaled laboratory experiments of shallow water acoustic propagation». in Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Under­water Acoustics, edited by S.M. Jesus and O.C. Rodriguez pp. 453-458 (2006).

34.    Taroudakis M.: “Acoustical methods for the monitoring of the marine environment with applications to shallow water” Proceedings of the TecniAcustica CD-ROM  edition  pp. 1-7 (2006).  

35.    Papadakis, P. and Taroudakis M.:  «Laboratory experiments for the calculation of the acoustic field in shallow water and long range». In «Acoustics 2006» Michael Taroudakis and Panagiots Papadakis (eds), pp. 391-398 (2007) in Greek.  

36.    Taroudakis M.: “Inversion Techniques for Ocean Acoustic Tomography and Bottom Classification Based on Normal-Mode Theory” in Hydroacoustics, Annual Journal, Vol. 10, pp. 199-206 (2007). Keynote presentation in the 6th  International Symposium on Hydroacoustics, Łeba, Poland 2007.

37.    Papadakis P., Taroudakis M., Sanchez, P. and Sessarego, J-P.: “Identification of normal-mode arrival times using data from laboratory experiment” in Proceedings 2nd Intern. Conference on Underwater Acoustic Measurements edited by J. Papadakis and L. Bjørnø,, pp. 1163-1168 (2007).  

38.    Papadakis P. and Taroudakis M.: “Estimation of Sea-Floor parameters by modal arrival measurements using data from a laboratory experiment” in Proceedings of the ICA07, CD Rom edition, Madrid  (2007).

39.    Mavroudis T, Vardoulias, Georgiadis, A., Koukos I. and Taroudakis M.:  “Two Dimensional Wavelet Coefficient Statistics for Sea Bottom Classification” in Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Under­water Acoustics, edited by M. Zakharia  pp. 459-464 (2008).

40.    Papadakis, P and Taroudakis M. "Estimation of critical parameters in laboratory experiments of underwater acoustic propagation using matched-field inversions" in  Proceedings of «Acoustics 2008»   pp. 356-364 (2009) in Greek. 

41.    Taroudakis, M. and Smaragdakis C. : "Underwater Acoustic Signal Characterization in the presence of Noise". in Internoise 2010, CD Rom edition, Lisbon (2010).

42.    Papadakis, P., Smaragdakis C., Taroudakis M.  and Tolstoy A.: "Hybrid inversion techniques for geoacoustic inversion" in  Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Istanbul(2010).

43.    Taroudakis, M. and Smaragdakis C. : "Inversions of Statistical Parameters of an Acoustic Signal in Range-Dependent Environments, with Applications in Ocean Acoustic Tomography" in  Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Edinburgh, pp 962-969 (2012).

44.    Taroudakis M.:  "Design of an Ocean Acoustic Observatory" in  Proceedings of the Conference "Acoustics 2012", Corfu, Greece. (in Greek) (2012).

45.    Taroudakis M.: "Monitoring the sea environment using acoustics: The role of Acoustical Observatories" in "Tecniacustica 2013. Official Publication" pp. 24-32 (2013). Keynote  presentation in Tecniacustica 2013, Valladolid, Spain 2013.

46.    Taroudakis M. and Smaragdakis C.: "A hybrid approach for ocean acoustic tomography based on statistical characterization of the acoustic signal and the identification of modal arrivals" in Proceedings of the 2nd Underwater Acoustics Conference edited by J.S. Papadakis and L. Bjørnø, Rhodes, Greece, pp 691-698 (2014).

47.    Taroudakis M. and Smaragdakis C.: "A hybrid approach for ocean acoustic tomography in range dependent environments based on statistical characterization of the acoustic signal and the identification of modal arrivals"  in Proceedings of FORUM ACUSTICUM 2014 (CD edition), Kakow, Poland,  (2014).

48.    Taroudakis M.: “A Íx2D model for calculating the propagation of sound signals in 3-D oceanic environments” in Proceedings of “Acoustics 2014” pp.285-292 (2014) in Greek

49.    Taroudakis M. and Mastrokalos J.: “A study on seismic noise propagation in underwater environment” in Proceedings of “Acoustics 2014” pp.403-410 (2014) in Greek

50.    Smaragdakis C. and Taroudakis M.:   “Characterization of underwater acoustic signals, using a bio-mathematical model of the psycho-acoustic mechanisms of Humpback whales. in Proceedings of “Acoustics 2014” pp.413-419 (2014) in Greek.

51.    Taroudakis M and Smaragdakis C.: “De-noising procedures for inverting underwater acoustic signals in applications of acoustical oceanography” in Proceedings Euronoise 2015, pp 1393-1395 Maastricht. (2015).

52.    Taroudakis M.I. and Mastrokalos J.K.: “An approximate technique for estimating eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the acoustic field in shallow water over an elastic sea-bed” in Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, Vol 37, Pt.1, pp. 127-134 (2015).

53.    Smaragdakis C. and Taroudakis M.: “Hidden Markov Models feature extraction for inverting underwater acoustic signals using wavelet packet coefficients” in Proceedings Euroregio 2016, Porto (2016).

54.    Taroudakis M. and Smaragdakis C.: “Ocean acoustic tomography using a three-phased probabilistic  model-based inversion scheme” in Proceedings of the ICA 2016, Buenos Aires (2016).

55.    Taroudaki V., Smaragdakis C. and Taroudakis M.: “Deblurring acoustic signals for statistical characterization in applications of ocean acoustic tomography” in Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 29, 005001 doi: 10.1121/2.0000497 (2016).

56.    Skarsoulis E., Piperakis G., Orfanakis E., Papadakis P., Taroudakis M.: “Modelling of underwater noise due to ship traffic in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea” in Proceedings of the 4th Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition, pp. 889-896,  Skiathos, Greece (2017).

57.    Papadakis P., Piperakis G., Skarsoulis E., Orfanakis Em., Taroudakis M.: “Development and testing of low-cost autonomous underwater acoustic recorders”  in  Proceedings of the 4th Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition, pp. 627-634,  Skiathos, Greece (2017).

58.    Taroudakis M.: “Acoustic methods for sea-bed reconstruction” in Proceedings of the Tecniacustica 2017. Keynote Presentation. A Coruña, Spain (2017).

59.    Papadakis, P. Piperakis, G, Skarsoulis,  Orfanakis, E.  and Taroudakis, M.  "Pilot experiments for monitoring ambient noise in Northern Crete, in Proceedings of Euronoise 2018, M. Taroudakis (Ed.), pp 2811-2815), ISSN: 2226-5147 (2018).

60.  Smaragdakis C. and Taroudakis M.: "Similarity measurements of acoustical and seismic signals using Hidden Markov Models", in Proceedings of Acoustics 2018, pp 70-75 (2018). in Greek

61.  Papadakis P., Taroudakis M., Skarsoulis Emm. and Piperakis G.: "An experiment for recording ambient noise in deep sea", in Proceedings of Acoustics 2018, pp 37-44 (2018). in Greek.

62. Taroudaki V., Smaragdakis C. and Taroudakis M.: “Statistical optimal filtering method for acoustic signal deblurring” in Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 35, 022001 doi: 10.1121/2.0000986  (2018).

63.  Sambataro O., Smaragdakis C. and Taroudakis M.: "A comparison of processing techniquesvapplied to time-frequency representation of acoustic signals intended for geoacoustic inversions. in Proceedings Forum Acusticum, Dec 2020, Lyon, France. pp.1991-1997, 10.48465/fa.2020.0351 hal-03240244 (2021).

64. Kassis D., Prospathopoulos A., Makropoulos D., Taroudakis M., Skarsoulis E., Papadakis P., Piperakis G., Orfanakis E., Spiliopoulos G. and Zisis D.: "Monitoring the Underwater Soundscape of a “Quiet” Shallow Water Coastal Marine Environment in the Aegean Sea" in Proceedings of the Marine and Inland Waters Research Symposium pp 99-103 (2022).

65. Papadakis, P.,  Taroudakis M.I., Piperakis, G., Skarsoulis E., Orfanakis E.:   "A medium term experiment for measuring ambient noise in the sea " in Proceedings of Acoustics 2022, edited by R. Kostakis and Ch. Dimoulas pp. 351-358 (2022). in Greek.

66. Taroudakis M. and Trochidis Ath. "Modern Histoty of Acoustics in Greece" in Proceedings FORUM ACUSTICUM 2023 (2023).

67.  Burgess M. and Taroudakis M. "Experiences from the International Year of Sound". in Proceedings FORUM ACUSTICUM 2023. Keynote Presentation  (2023).

68.  Papadakis P., Piperakis G., Taroudakis M., Skarsoulis Emm.  Orfanakis Emm., Kassis D., Prospathopoulos A. and  Makropoulos D. "Development, calibration and testing of low-cost underwater acoustic listeners for long-term monitoring of underwater ambient noise" in Proceedings of Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition 2023 pp 231-238 (2023).


Lecture Notes

1.  Taroudakis M.I. “Ocean Acoustic Tomography” in Tutorial Course for Young Acousticians from European Countries- Lecture Notes  edited by Z. Lubniewski and A. Stepnowski, Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk pp.77-95 (2002).

2.  Lecture Notes (in Greek) for the university courses: Acoustical Oceanography, Acoustic Wave Propagation and Discrete Inverse Problems.

Section in Books

1.  Taroudakis M.I.:  “Modal Ïbservables for Geoacoustic Inversion” in  Important Elements in: Geoacoustic Inversion, Signal Processing, and Reverberation in Underwater Acoustics 2008" edited by Alex Tolstoy,   Research Signpost  pp. 105-128 (2008).

2.  Sullivan Ed. and Taroudakis M.I., “Signal Processing in Underwater Acoustics” Section Co-ordination in Handbook of Signal Processing edited by David Havelock, Sonoko Kuwano, Michael Vorländer  Springer Verlag,  (2008).




1.   Inverse Problems in Underwater Acoustics (with George Makrakis eds.) Springer   Verlag (2001).

2.   Acoustics 2008 (with P.Papadakis eds.) Book of Proceedings, HELINA (2007).

3.  Theoretical and Computational Acoustics 2007 (with P.Papadakis eds.) FORTH & UoC (2008).

4.  The internship in the Greek Universities (editor - in Greek). UoC (2014).

5.  Proceedings of EURONOISE 2018 (editor) ISSN: 2226-5147, EAA Heraklion (2018).

6.  Proceedings of UACE 2023 (editor) ISSN: 2408-0195, FORTH Heraklion (2023).

Professional Memberships:


·        Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America (2001-)

·        Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece (1979-)

·        Member of the Acoustical Society of America (1990-2001)

·        Member of the Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (2000-)


Other Social-Scientific Activities


·     Member of the Cretan Society of Historical Studies (2010-) Member of the board for the period 2012-2015.

·     Member of the supervising committee of the Municipal “Vikelaia” Library of Heraklion (2011-2019).

·     President of the Friends Society of the Municipal “Vikelaia” Library of Heraklion (2006-2018). Vice President (2018-  ).

·     President of the board of the Museum "Nikos Kazantzakis" since 2017. Vice President (2012-2017)




·     Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America for contributions in geoacoustic inversions and propagation modelling (2001).

·     Medal of the “Gold Lion Order” of the Patriarchate of Alexandria, by His Beatitude the Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and all Africa THEODOROS II (2011).

·     “Diploma in Activity Recognition” by the Portuguese Acoustical Society in recognition of contributions in Acoustics (2016).

·     “The Caracola Award” by the Spanish Acoustical Society  (2017).

·     The EAA Award for the promotion of Acoustics in Europe (2023).


Personal Information:


Marital Status: Married, 3 children (girls)
Citizenship: Greek
Foreign Languages: English (very good), French (fair), Italian (fair)
Hobbies: Music (Classical), Sports




University of Crete

Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

University Campus

70013 Voutes, Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Tel +30 2810 393880, Fax +30 2810 393881




Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas

Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics

N.Plastira 100

70013 Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Tel +30 2810 391784, fax +30 2810 391801
