Papers | Papers - Kennzeichnung der geodaetischen Abstandssphaeren in E...   Mathematische Annalen 248(1979) pp 230-240.
- Kennzeichnung der geodaetischen Abstandssphaeren in H...   Mathematishe Annalen 251(1980) pp.151-170.
- On the shadow Lines of a convex surface. Acta Math. Hung. 41(1983) pp. 219-224.
- On the maximum rank of a tensor product. Acta Math. Hung. 45(1983) pp. 95-97.
- On the existence of a circle enveloping; a family of circles Amer. Math. Monthly 92(1985) p.287
- The topology of the set of real mxn matrices of rank k. Rev. Roum. Math. 31(1986) pp. 247-250.
- A remark concerning a mechanical characterization of the sphere. Proceedings of AMS 96(1986). pp. 648-650.
- On the C-curves of a Convex Surface. Math. Nachr. 139(1988) 31-35.
- On the dimension of the image of a multilinear function. Journal of Linear and Multil. Algebra . 20(1990) pp.323-327.
- Surfaces of E satisfying certain restrictions on their normal bundle (with T. Chassanis, D. Koutroufiotis) Transactions of AMS 319(1990) pp.329-347.
- Surfaces with isometric geodesics.(with C. Charitos) Edinburgh. M.S. 1991(34) 359-362
- Apollonian Cubics: An Application of Group Theory to a Problem in Euclidean Geometry Cubics (with A. Thoma Mathematics Magazine 72 (5) (1999) 356-366
- On Some Actions of D3 on the triangle. Forum Geometricorum 4(2004) 157-176 [Download pdf-file]
- On the cyclic complex of a cyclic quadrangle. Forum Geometricorum 6(2006) 29-46 [Download pdf-file]
- Orthocycles, bicentrics, and orthodiagonals. Forum Geometricorum 7(2007) 73-86 [Download pdf-file]
- On the Newton line of a quadrilateral. Forum
Geometricorum 9(2009) 81-98 [Download
- Conic homographies and bitangent pencils. Forum
Geometricorum 9(2009) 229-257 [Download
- Three maximal cyclic quadrangles. Forum
Geometricorum 10(2010) 99-107 [Download
- Triangles with Given Incircle and Centroid. Forum
Geometricorum 11(2011) 27-51 [Download
- On Polygons Inscribed in Other Polygons. Journal for Geometry and Graphics
Volume 15 (2011), No. 2, 141 - 158. [Download
- On Tripolars and Parabolas. Forum
Geometricorum 12(2012) 287-300 [Download
- Pairings of circles and Sawayama's theorem. Forum
Geometricorum 13(2013) 117-131. [Download
- The associated harmonic quadrilateral. Forum
Geometricorum 14(2014) 15-29. [Download
- A gallery of conics by five elements. Forum
Geometricorum 14(2014) 295-348. [Download
- Ellipse generation related to orthopoles. Journal of Classical
Geometry 3(2014) 1-23. [Download
- Droz-Farny, an inverse view. Mathematical Reflections
2(2015) 1-4. [Download pdf-file]
- Some remarks on a Sangaku from Chiba. Forum Geometricorum
15(2015) 275-280. [Download
- The triangle construction {α,b-c,tA}. Forum Geometricorum
16(2016) 115-117. [Download
- A Characterization of the Parallelogram. Mathematical Reflections
3(2016) 1-3. [Download
- On the Diagonal and Iscribed Pentagons of a Pentagon. Forum Geometricorum
16(2016) 207-225. [Download
- A Characterization of the Rhombus. Forum Geometricorum
16(2016) 331-336. [Download
- Putting the icosahedron into the octahedron. Forum Geometricorum
17(2017) 63-71. [Download
- Gergonne meets Sangaku. Forum Geometricorum
17(2017) 143-148. [Download
- On Some Elementary Properties of Quadrilaterals. Forum Geometricorum
17(2017) 473-482. [Download
- Parabola Conjugate to Rectangular Hyperbola. Forum Geometricorum
18(2018) 87-92. [Download
- Circles Associated to Pairs of Conjugate Diameters. International Journal of Geometry
7(2018) 21-36. [Download
- Rectangles Circumscribing a Quadrangle. Forum Geometricorum
18(2018) 161-184. [Download
- A Characterization of the Focals of Hyperbolas. Elemente der Mathematik
74(2019) 131-134. [Download
- On the Jerabek Hyperbola. International Journal of Geometry
7(2018),No. 2, 5-11. [Download
- Self-Pivoting Convex Quadrangles. Forum Geometricorum
18(2018),321-347. [Download pdf-file]
- Parabolas and families of convex quadrangles. Journal of Classical
Geometry vol.4(2019) Nr 8. [Download
- A short proof of Morley's theorem. Elemente der Mathematik
74(2019) 80-81. [Download
- Second Note on the Jerabek Hyperbola. International Journal of Geometry
8(2019),No. 1, 32-37. [Download
- Refactoring Equiaffinities. International Journal of Geometry
8(2019),No. 2, 54-59. [Download
- Triangles sharing their Euler circle and circumcircle. International Journal of Geometry
9(2020),No. 1, 5-24. [Download
- A similarity property of trapezia. Global Journal of Advanced Research
on Classical and Modern Geometries
9(2020),No. 1, 8-14. [Download
- Equilaterals Inscribed in Conics. International Journal of Geometry
10(2021),No. 1, 5-24. [Download
- On rectangular hyperbolas circumscribing a triangle. Global Journal of Advanced Research
on Classical and Modern Geometries
10(2021),No. 1, 1-14. [Download
- Perspective triangles and related structures. International Journal of Geometry
10(2021),No. 2, 95-108. [Download
- Symmedian and isodynamic points relations. Elemente der Mathematik
76(2021) 137-153. [Download
- On pencils of hyperbolas. Global Journal of Advanced Research
on Classical and Modern Geometries
10(2021),No. 2, 102-121. [Download
- Geometric Aspects of Moebius Transformations. International Journal of Geometry
10(2021),No. 4, 115-122. [Download
- Similarities related to pivoting and Brocard points. International Journal of Geometry
11(2022),No. 1, 54-77. [Download
- Two triples of lines related to Steiner's ellipse. Global Journal of Advanced Research
on Classical and Modern Geometries
11(2022),No. 1, 9-29. [Download
- The conic of intersections of an affinity. International Journal of Geometry
11(2022),No. 3, 16-40. [Download
- Note on a Sangaku like construction of X(55). Sangaku Journal of Mathematics
7(2023), 13-15. [Download
- On Ceva's and Seebach's theorems. Global Journal of Advanced Research
on Classical and Modern Geometries
12(2023),No. 1, 20-34. [Download
- On a Sangaku like configuration involving a
triangle and three congruent circles. Sangaku Journal of Mathematics
7(2023), 42-53. [Download
- On Moebius transformations and polygons circumscribing conics. International Journal of Geometry
12(2023),No. 3, 83-109. [Download
- Circle pencils and unbounded conics. Global Journal of Advanced Research
on Classical and Modern Geometries
12(2023),No. 2, 169-186. [Download
- Projectivities and Circumconics of a Triangle. International Journal of Geometry
12(2023),No. 4, 64-88. [Download
- On van Lamoen's theorem. International Journal of Geometry
13(2024),No. 1, 35-38. [Download
- Obtuse triangle, rectangular hyperbola and de Longchamps' circle. Global Journal of Advanced Research
on Classical and Modern Geometries
13(2024),No. 1, 1-10. [Download
- On Cevian triangles related to a circumconic (with Arne Erikson). Preprint, to be published in
Lva2 1(2024), No. 2
- On a quadratic transformation. International Journal of Geometry
13(2024),No. 3, 94-108. [Download
- A note on the barycentric square. Global Journal of Advanced Research
on Classical and Modern Geometries
13(2024),No. 2, 119-130. [Download
- A note on Carnot's theorem. International Journal of Geometry
13(2024),No. 4, 80-83. [Download
- On Squares Circumscribing Quadrangles. Elemente der Mathematik
79(2024), 89-97. [Download
- On Arbeli sharing their incircle. International Journal of Geometry
14(2025),No. 1, 50-72. [Download
I like reading but I like also writing. There are lots of notes and drafts used in my lectures. Most of them are in Greek.
The following books grew up from lectures. They are in reality notes, short and informative, with many topics discussed in the exercises.
- (Fortran IV) 1979 Papasotiriou 260 pp. (in Greek)
- (Γραμμική Αλγεβρα) Linear Algebra, 1988 Troxalia, 105 pp. (in Greek)
- (Γεωμετρία) 1989 Troxalia 140 pp. (in Greek)
- Lectures on the classification of complex and real Lie Algebras, 1991 Erasmus, 245 pp.
- (Θεωρία Ομάδων), 2003, 120pp. (in Greek)
- Τοπολόγιον, 2014, 119pp. (Εισαγωγή στη Γενική Τοπολογία)
- Elasson Geometrikon, 2009, 537pp. (in Greek)
- Geometrikon , 2016, 802pp. (in Greek)
- Lectures on Euclidean Geometry, Volume 1 , 2024, 608pp.
- Lectures Vol. 1 INDEX
- Lectures on Euclidean Geometry, Volume 2 , 2024, 453pp.
From the second and the fourth I have only one reprint. Geometry is still available and Fortran IV(1961) is now on ... Fortran 2000. Anyway, I use it now and then for the algorithms and formulas it contains. The fourth book was inspired from the lectures of my friend Hans Samelson on Lie-Groups. Stimulated from his lectures, I studied the classification of semi-simple Lie Groups, which is reducible to the classification of their corresponding Lie-Algebras. At that time fascinated me the cooperation of Algebra, Geometry and Topology conveing to this beautiful classification.
Translations Gilbert Strang, Linear Algebra with applications, published as
Γραμμική Αλγεβρα και Εφαρμογές, Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης 1995 Positions University of Bonn (Research Fellow, Instructor), University of Cologne (Research Fellow), University of Essen (Instructor), Univ. of Crete, Dept. of Mathematics (Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor) University of Cyprus(visiting professor) |