Hysteresis Modeling and Micromagnetics |
Heraklion, Crete, May 19-22, 2019 |
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Please register by clicking on the button below.
Registration fees may be paid by bank transfer or by PayPal.
Bank transfer is the preferred method for SEPA countries (EU, Switzerland, Norway).
Bank transfer should be made to the following account.
Beneficiary: PETASPIN
IBAN: IT 43 U 01030 82530 000000434708
BIC/Swift code: PASCITM1ME8
Bank name: Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Bank address: Santa Teresa di Riva, Messina
Key Word: HMM2019 Firstname Lastname
Currency: The payment should be made in Euros.
Please make sure that the transfer charges are paid entirely by the sender.
Registration fees | From 3rd April |
Regular | €325 |
Student | €250 |
Invited/Retiree | €200 |
Conference Dinner for Accompanying Person | €35 |
Wine tasting Excursion (Wed 22nd) | €35 |
You may register at any time, but the registration fee will be applied according to the date of payment.
Late registration can be paid cash at the desk
(you must have filled the online registration form by May 10th).
For cancelations received until April 9th the registration fee will be reimbursed in full.
For cancelations received until May 10th half of the registration fee will be reimbursed.
The registration fee includes
A full paper related to the accepted abstract (oral and poster) can be submitted for publication in Physica B: Condensed Matter by clicking on the button below.
To ensure that manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue, authors will select “VSI: HMM2019 Crete” as the Article Type, and "Vito Puliafito (VSI: HMM2019 Crete)" as Editor.
An up-to-date guide for authors who want to submit their paper can be found here.
The articles will go through a regular peer-review process and will be published in regular issues as soon as accepted.
At the same time, all papers will be brought together in an online special issue, easily accessible and navigable on ScienceDirect.
Paper submission is open until May 31st June 20th.
Abstract submission will be open from December 15th, 2018 to February 5th 16th, 2019.
Please use one of the following templates in order to prepare your abstract.
Abstract submission is closed. Regarding any questions, please contact the Organizers.