Journal papers
J. Garnier, G. Papanicolaou, A. Semin and C. Tsogka, Signal to Noise Ratio estimation in passive correlation-based imaging, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Submitted
P. Joly, A. Semin, Mathematical and numerical modelling of wave propagation in fractal trees, Comptes-Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, Ser. 1 (2011)
A. Semin, Propagation of acoustic waves in fractal networks, Oberwolfach Report, vol. 10,
pp. 86-89, 2010.
J.B. Apoung, P. Havé, J.G. Houot, M. Kern and A. Semin, Reactive Transport in Porous
Media, ESAIM Proceedings, vol. 28, pp. 227-245, November 2009.
P. Joly and A. Semin, Construction and analysis of improved Kirchoff conditions for acoustic wave
propagation in a junction of thin slots, ESAIM Proceedings, vol. 25, pp. 44-67, December 2008.
Research Reports
P. Joly and A. Semin, Study of propagation of acoustic waves in junction of thin slots, INRIA
Research Report, vol. RR-7265, pp. R1-R59, April 2010.
P. Joly and A. Semin, Propagation of an acoustic wave in a junction of two thin slots, INRIA
Research Report, vol. RR-6078, pp. R1-R61, October 2008.
A. Semin, Signal to noise ratio estimation in passive correlation based imaging, PICOF 2012 Conference, Ecole Polytechnique, April 2012 (joint work with J. Garnier,
G. Papanicolaou and C. Tsogka)
A. Semin, Coherent imaging using cross-correlations of ambient noise sources,
Waves 2011 Conference, Vancouver, July 2011 (joint work with C. Tsogka)
A. Semin, Propagation of acoustic waves in junction of thin slots,
6th Singular Days, Berlin, April-May 2010
Unpuplished papers
A. Semin, Computation of a Green’s kernel in a bounded domain, March 2012
Ph.D. Thesis
A. Semin, Propogation of acoustic waves in junctions of thins slots. Ph.D. Thesis, University of
Paris-Sud Xi, France, November 2010.
A. Semin, Propogation of acoustic waves in junctions of thins slots (slides of the Ph.D.
defense). Ph.D. Thesis, University of Paris-Sud Xi, France, November 2010.